What are the biggest problems with AI? What are some problems of AI?

The ability of a computer program to learn, think and evaluate is known as artificial intelligence. Everything that includes a program or software doing it which we would ordinarily associate with human intelligence is termed artificial intelligence. There are some of the biggest problems with AI technology as well.

What we actually have for AI today is very simpler and more narrow Deep Learning (DL) that can only do very specific tasks given to it better than people. It has fundamental limitations that will not allow it to become AGI (Artificial General Intelligence), hence if that is our aim, we need to innovate and come up with better networks and better methods for shaping them into an artificial intelligence.

the biggest problems with AI

Artificial intelligence applications or softwares can revolutionise any sector or industry by providing enormous benefits.

But Every bright side has a negative counterpart. Artificial Intelligence, too, has several drawbacks. Let’s dig into it and see what they are;

1) High Cost of Creation:

AI is constantly growing and emerging, these lead to regular updates of Softwares and hardwares, which further require regular maintenance. This overall increases the cost of developing AI.

2) Makes Humans Lazy:

AI technology is making humans lazy by automating the most of their tasks and daily activities. Humans are prone to get addicted to these futuristic technological breakthroughs, posing a threat to our future generations.

3) Brings Unemployment:

As AI replaces humans for some tasks and machines for the majority of repetitive tasks and other duties, human interference decreases, causing a big challenge in employment standards.

4) No Emotions at all:

AI provides us solutions and results, but they lack the emotional and cognitive thinking that a human would go under. Sometimes decision making is efficient when backed by human emotions and cognitive thinking. Machines are unquestionably superior when it comes to efficiency and calculations, but they cannot replace the human connection and emotions that brings a team together.

5) Trust issues (No Ethics):

Ethics and morality are two things which makes anything trustable but here these two important human features can be difficult to incorporate into an AI. The rapid progress of AI technology has raised a number of concerns that one day, AI will grow uncontrollably, and eventually wipe out humanity. This moment is referred to as the AI singularity.

6) A lack of creative thinking:

As AI tech lacks innovative or creative thinking on its own unless it’s programmed which makes them to accomplish the tasks for which they are intended or programmed; anything beyond causes them to crash or produce irrelevant outputs, which could be a gigantic hindrance.

7) Data Privacy and Security:

Technology comes with its biggest threat and that is security breach by anyone with evil purpose. No matter how much AI developers try to make it secure, somebody always comes with its breach and there is no limit of damage they can cause with AI tech.

8) Autonomous Weapons:

Autonomous weapons or killer robots are military robots that can find their enemies and aim independently according to pre-programmed instructions. Almost all technically advanced countries in the world are developing these ai robots. In fact, a senior executive in a Chinese Defence firm even stated that future wars would not be fought by humans and that using lethal AI-powered autonomous weapons were inevitable.


These are some of Artificial Intelligence’s drawbacks. Every new technology or discovery will have both, but we as humans must be aware of this and utilise the positive side of the creation to improve and evolve our world. Artificial intelligence (AI) has a lot of potentialities. The difficulty for humans is to maintain control over the “rise of the robots.”


I write about tech and games. Since my childhood i have been in love with gadgets and futuristic world hence my passion towards tech is something else.

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