How Googlebot and bandwidth work for your site

Most of beginners focuses on design of website and its user experience but these two things are as important as others are. Imagine if your site is well designed but is not even on google, forget about reaching to your targeted audience. Googlebot and bandwidth of server plays vital roles in making your site available to google search.

What is Googlebot?

Googlebot is used to search the Internet. It uses Web crawling software by Google, which allows them to scan, find, add and index recently created web pages. In other words, “Googlebot is the name of the search engine spider for Google. Googlebot will visit sites which have been submitted to the index every once in a while to update its index.”

What is Bandwidth?

The maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time. Bandwidth is often mistaken for internet speed when it’s actually the volume of information that can be sent over a connection in a measured amount of time – calculated in megabits per second (Mbps).

How does Bandwidth work?

The performance of a network connection, like your internet connection can be measured. Two of the most basic measurements are Latency and throughput. Latency is the time it takes for data to travel from a point in the network to your computer or the other way around. Latency is affected by distance and the quality of the transfer media, number of network nodes it passes etc.

Throughput is how much data your internet connection can pass or receive in a given time. Throughput is measured in data/time unit, like Mbit/s, Kbit/s etc. Now to the question. The Bandwidth is what decides your internet connections throughput. The wider the “band” the more throughput. That is why it was started to be referred to as broadband when the throughput was drastically increased. But to just have bandwidth is not enough. Imagine a lava stream, it can deliver huge amount of lava but it moves really slow so the latency will be super high. It will take a long time between the lava starts flowing and when it reaches its destination. Then imagine a high pressure water-pipe, it not as broad as the lava stream but it can move many liters of water from a to b in one second.

How does Googlebot work?

Googlebot is also known as a spider or web crawlers. Googlebot is a web crawling software search bot that gathers the web page information used to supply Google search engine results pages (SERP). Googlebot collects information from the web to build Google’s search index. Through constantly gathering pieces of information, the software discovers new pages and updates to existing pages. Googlebot uses a distributed design spanning many computers so it can grow as the web does. It creates an index within the limitations set forth by webmasters in their robots.txt files.

Google tries to index as much of a site as it can without overwhelming the site’s bandwidth. If a webmaster finds that it is using too much bandwidth, they can set a rate on Google’s search console homepage that will remain in effect.

How to check your crawl budget?

There are billions of pages on the web and it would be impractical for the Googlebot to crawl them every second of every day. Doing so would consume valuable bandwidth online, resulting in slower performing websites.

To resolve this issue, Google allocates a crawl budget for each website. That budget determines how often Googlebot crawls the site looking for pages to index.

So, the number of times a search engine spider(Googlebot) crawls your website in a given time allotment is what we call your “crawl budget”.

For example, if Googlebot hits your site 41 times per day, we can say that your typical Google crawl budget is approximately 1230 per month.

You can use tools such as Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools to figure out your website’s approximate crawl budget. Just log in to Crawl > Crawl Stats to see the “average number of pages crawled per day”.

How to Optimize Your Crawl Budget?

  1. Ensure your pages are crawlable
  2. Try to avoid redirect chains
  3. Fix all the broken links
  4. Keep updating your sitemap
  5. Build external links
  6. Build a well organized internal linking structure

The best-practice advice that improves your crawl-ability tends to improve your search-ability as well. Meaning, the crawl budget will definitely help to boost your SEO efforts.


Googlebot is a web crawling software used by Google to search the internet and gather information for building its search index. Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over an internet connection in a given time. Googlebot uses a distributed design to crawl websites within the limitations set by webmasters’ robots.txt files to avoid overwhelming site bandwidth. Monitoring and optimizing your crawl budget can improve your website’s SEO efforts and overall search-ability. Best practices include ensuring crawlability, fixing broken links, updating sitemaps, and building external and internal links.


I write about tech and games. Since my childhood i have been in love with gadgets and futuristic world hence my passion towards tech is something else.

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