Exploring Apple Schoolwork: Overview and Comparison to Google Classroom

As technology continues to advance, more and more educational tools are becoming available to teachers and students alike. One such tool is the Apple Schoolwork app, which has been designed to help teachers create and manage assignments for their students. In this review, we’ll take a closer look at the features of the app, what’s new with it, and how it compares to other popular educational tools.

Exploring Apple Schoolwork - Overview and Comparison to Google Classroom

What is Apple Schoolwork app?

It’s an app that is designed to help teachers create and manage assignments for their students. With the app, teachers can create assignments, add materials such as handouts, videos, and websites, and then distribute them to their students. Students can complete the assignments within the app and turn them in to their teachers.

What’s new with Apple Schoolwork?

Apple has recently added several new features to the Schoolwork app to make it even more useful for teachers and students. One of the most notable new features is the ability to create and share templates, which can save teachers time when creating assignments. Additionally, the app now supports Handouts, which are interactive documents that can include quizzes, polls, and other interactive elements.

Does Apple have something like Google classroom?

Yes, Schoolwork can be compared to Google Classroom in many ways. Both apps are designed to help teachers manage assignments and communicate with their students. However, Schoolwork is only available on Apple devices, while Google Classroom is available on any device with internet access. Additionally, Apple Schoolwork is more focused on the creation and distribution of assignments, while Google Classroom has more features for communication and collaboration.

Can I do school work on iPad?

Yes, students can complete school work on an iPad using the \ Schoolwork app. The app allows students to view and complete assignments, take quizzes, and turn in their work directly from their iPad.

Does Apple check if you’re in school?

Yes, Apple does verify that students are enrolled in a school before allowing them to use the Schoolwork app. This verification process helps to ensure that the app is only being used by students and teachers who are part of a legitimate educational institution.

How much cheaper is Apple education?

Apple offers educational pricing on many of its products, including iPads, Macs, and accessories. The exact amount of the discount varies depending on the product and the specific educational institution, but it can range from 5% to 20% off the regular retail price. Additionally, Apple offers financing options for educational institutions, which can help to make their products more affordable for schools and teachers. There are also many laptops for students which can help them to study efficiently.

Apple Schoolwork vs Google Classroom

When it comes to educational tools, two of the most popular options are Apple Schoolwork and Google Classroom. While both apps have similar features, there are some key differences between them that may make one a better fit for certain schools or teachers.

One of the biggest differences between Apple Schoolwork and Google Classroom is the platform they are available on. Schoolwork is only available on Apple devices, while Google Classroom can be accessed on any device with internet access. This means that schools or teachers who have standardized on Apple devices may find Apple Schoolwork to be a better fit, while those who have a mix of devices may prefer Google Classroom.

Another key difference between the two apps is the focus of their features. Schoolwork is primarily focused on creating and distributing assignments, while Google Classroom has more features for communication and collaboration. For example, Google Classroom includes a discussion board where students can ask questions and collaborate on assignments, while Apple Schoolwork does not have a similar feature.

In terms of assignment creation and management, both apps are relatively similar. Teachers can create assignments, add materials such as videos and documents, and distribute them to their students. Students can complete the assignments within the app and turn them in to their teachers. Both apps also include tools for grading and providing feedback on student work.

One advantage that Apple Schoolwork has over Google Classroom is its integration with other Apple apps and services. For example, teachers can use the Pages app to create handouts or other materials, and then import them directly into Apple Schoolwork. Additionally, Apple Schoolwork integrates with Apple’s Classroom app, which provides additional management features for teachers.

Overall, both Apple Schoolwork and Google Classroom are powerful educational tools that can help teachers manage assignments and communicate with their students. The decision of which app to use will ultimately depend on the specific needs and preferences of the school or teacher.


The Apple Schoolwork app is a powerful tool that can help teachers create and manage assignments for their students. With its recent updates and integration with other Apple apps and services, it has become even more useful for educators. While it may not have all the features of Google Classroom, it provides a solid foundation for assignment creation and management. Additionally, Apple’s education pricing and financing options can make their products more accessible to schools and teachers. Ultimately, the decision of which educational tool to use will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the school or teacher, but the Schoolwork app is definitely worth considering.


Can I use the Apple Schoolwork app on non-Apple devices?

No, the Apple Schoolwork app is only available on Apple devices.

What is the difference between Apple Schoolwork and Google Classroom?

While both apps have similar features, Apple Schoolwork is primarily focused on creating and distributing assignments, while Google Classroom has more features for communication and collaboration.

Does Apple offer educational discounts on its products?

Yes, Apple offers educational pricing on many of its products, which can range from 5% to 20% off the regular retail price.


I write about tech and games. Since my childhood i have been in love with gadgets and futuristic world hence my passion towards tech is something else.

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