February 2023

How to Learn Backend Development with Node js?

How to Learn Backend Development with Node.js

Backend development is an essential part of web development, and it allows web applications to communicate with servers, databases, and other backend services. Node.js is a popular platform for building backend applications, and it is widely used in the web…

How To Learn and Understand JavaScript Fundamentals?

How To Learn and Understand JavaScript Fundamentals

As a web developer, I understand that learning JavaScript is essential to becoming proficient in web development. JavaScript is a popular programming language that allows web developers to create interactive and dynamic web pages. In this article, I will share…

Apple MR Headset Is Delayed Due To Malfunction

Apple Postpones MR Headset Intro due to Malfunction

Apple has announced that it is postponing the introduction of Apple MR headset from around April to June 2023. The delay comes after testing found hardware and software issues that need to be resolved before the product can be launched.…